Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Coalition Undemocratic?

So Prime Minister Harper just gave his address to the nation and now the responses are rolling in from the opposition parties. Conservative keep calling the potential coalition 'undemocratic'. This really bothers me. You may not like the idea of a coalition, you might be a supporter of the government but one thing that the coalition is not is undemocratic.

If the coalition comes to power every member of the potential government will have been elected. This is not a situation where people that are outside of the political process are trying to gain power. This is elected officials forming a government just like the Conservatives did last week with the thrown speech.

While this is unusual for Canada, it is totally normal in countries around the world. Israel is perhaps the most democratic country in the world (in terms of how they elect their officials) and they have never had a majority government. Every government formed in Israel has been a coalition and this has worked for them.

In terms of Canada a minority government should be more democratic and that is the main problem with the Conservatives today. They feel entitled to govern like a majority and this has gotten them into trouble. They should have consulted with the other parties and the other parties should have been more open to working with the government. In Canada it is known that governments need to rule from the centre and the Conservatives have refused to do this.

I am still undecided what is the best for Canada, but I do know that this crisis is Mr. Harper's fault. If the government falls the blame should be laid on his head and no one else's. You might want to blame Mr. Dion or Mr. Layton, but they have not done anything other be a true opposition to the current sitting government. They are completely in their democratic right to try to form a coalition, and if they succeed their government surely will not be 'undemocratic'.

1 comment:

Ran said...

Conservatives rule.
The Liberals and NDP should realize that no one really wants them in power, although they're well within their democratic right to steal power. They planned this beforehand and waited for any opportunity to form this coalition to take what they feel is rightfully theirs. If one was to call Harper power hungry and controlling, how much more could this be said for this "coalition."